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About Us

Matthew 6:33, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things shall be added unto you"

Our  Pastors:
Bishop Linda Latimer and Presiding Elder Emmit Latimer

Both Pastors are ordained through Church on the Rock Ministries Inc. where the Founder and presiding prelate is Bishop Marcia Pitts.  Prior to pastoring, they held a variety of leadership positions including the Youth Department, Audio Department, Praise Team, Evangelistic Team, COTR Camp, Sunday School and New Members Class. Pastor Em and Pastor Linda are very excited about what God is doing and expect great things from him.


In addition to pastoring full time, Bishop Linda is honored to be Dean of the Training for Service School of Ministry. Pastor Em works in an engineering firm as a survey technician. He teaches in the Training for Service School of Ministry and is very well known for his messages on faith.

Both pastors are determined to trust God whole-heartedly and only to stand and live by his word. They reside in New Castle, DE and are the parents of 2 sons, Brandon and Micaiah, and grandparents to 3 beautiful grandchildren.

Our Church


It was late November of 2006 when Bishop Marcia Pitts, summoned Elders Emmit and Linda Latimer to her office. She began to share what they already knew, that God had said that their time was now. So armed with their sons, Brandon and Micaiah and 2 saints that were released to go with them, Minister Cynthia Truitt and Sis. Katara Howard, they branched out and had their very first Bible study on January 10, 2007. Although they were few in number, they knew that God would be doing something BIG. The first Sunday in February, they walked into the Hampton Inn, in Pennsville, New Jersey by faith; believing that what God had promised, he would certainly do. God began to mold this small group into a church with sound doctrine, strong faith and an ability to fulfill the commandment “to compel them to come.”


With that, they began to hit the streets of Pennsville, Pennsgrove and Salem to remind every person that they came in contact with, that Jesus was still Alive and Well! Today, they are still doing that for God’s word is true, he has began to add to the church daily…..

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